
The ERA-IX team is proud to announce a new value added service that comes with your ERA-IX port. You can get free sessions with Eranium’s Premium IP Network, allowing you to get connected to the internet outside of what’s already available on ERA-IX. Enabling cost-effective internet access, multi-homing or OOB network access.


The Direct Transit service is designed for our members that need internet access, resiliency offered by multi-homing their network, improving their connectivity, or simply as out-of-band network. It serves to lower the barrier for innovative projects to establish internet connectivity.


Each ERA-IX port will be eligible for 50 Mbit/s of free transit. This amount is P95 and overages are billed for €0.35/Mbit. The transit will be delivered over your ERA-IX port as an additional BGP session. Note that this transit does not include any SLA and none of Eranium’s DDoS-mitigation plans.

Transit will be provided by Eranium’s Premium Network (AS35133), which offers excellent connectivity around the globe thanks to massive amounts of capacity and peerings.


In order to keep this offering fair, members must meet the following conditions:

  • The member must have a contract without special conditions.
  • The member must have a direct physical connection to our platform.
  • The member must join Eranium/ERA-IX Discord Community server.

These criteria are subject to review on a case-by-case basis.


Did you like the first 50 Mbit/s and want more? Of course 50 Mbit/s may not be enough for your network or project, reach out to our sales to increase your commit.


Follow these steps to get your free Direct Transit!


Join Community

Join the Eranium/ERA-IX Discord Community server by clicking HERE.


Open Ticket

Open the following ticket with your Hybula or Eranium email address: OPEN TICKET.


Add your ASN

Replace the [YOUR-AS-NUMBER] with your networks ASN.


Configure BGP

Configure the BGP sessions, sit back and enjoy redundancy.